How to Delete Facebook Activity Log 2017
How To Delete Facebook Activity Log 2017
Note: These screenshots were caught in the Facebook application on iOS.
Step 1: From your Facebook residence feed, touch your account picture to visit your profile.
Step 2: Under your account photo as well as name (and also bio, if you have actually added one), faucet "Task Log." This will certainly take you to the timeline of your current Facebook task.
Step 3: If you wish to communicate with any of the items in your Task Log (for example, to transform the privacy setup on among your articles), touch the arrowhead button to the right of the thing. Different alternatives, such as Erase or Unlike, will certainly appear, depending on the sort of post you're connecting with.
Step 4: Tap the arrowhead switch to the right of the product. if you see to switch Remove on your article or Standing and comment. Click Delete Switch, directly you have removed one of your task log.
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